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Message to our Pupils

Dear Trallwn Pupils

I am writing to you as we have had to close school to prevent any further spread of coronavirus, as I talked to you about as something we may have to do in assembly last week.  Your parents and the people who care for you will be keeping you safe.

For most of you, Friday would have been the last day that you were in school for a long time.  When you come back, things will be different. It won’t be Spring any more, you will have grown taller, and you might even have lost a tooth!  You will probably be in the next year group.  For those of you in Year 6, we probably won’t have another school day with you.  This makes us feel sad, and we know you will be too.  None of us grown-ups have ever experienced anything like this, so it is as strange to us as it is for you.  We think about you every day, and we are all still able to be contacted by email, and if you really need us to help you with anything you can use the school text or the number I have given your parents to contact us.  If you are worried or upset or feel unsafe you must try to contact us or tell a grown up you trust.

You all have home learning to do, and we encourage you to continue with this every day.  We will be so proud of you all for continuing with your reading and writing, numeracy and IT skills. We will also be proud that you are helping to stop the spread of this virus by washing your hands properly. You can make the most of this by having fun too – play games with your families, do things outside in the garden, cook, bake, draw, make things, watch your favourite films together cuddled up on the sofa.  We will keep planning things for you, we still care about you, and will wonder how you are.

Some of you will come back to school tomorrow, but not many.  This is not because we don’t want you all back, but because some children will need to be looked after by us for their parents to go and work in jobs that are important for keeping everyone safe, such as nurses in the hospitals, firemen or teachers like us.  You will not be able to come to school tomorrow unless your parent or carer does this.

Remember that there is lots of good going on in the world right now too, such as communities helping each other, which is so important at a time like this.  We are saying goodbye for a little while, but think of this as a little adventure that we are all on together.  Be brave and take care everyone.  You’re the best pupils any headteacher and staff could wish for.

See you in a while.

From Mrs Barker and everyone at Trallwn Primary School xxx

3 thoughts on “Message to our Pupils

  1. This made me cry. Im nhs and worry. Please stay safe. The schools that are opening with this going on, deserve a medal. Thankyou for helping me do my job when im needed. Hope too see you all soon xx

  2. Awww this is beautiful, Chad and shalaya are missing you all already, and there doing there work but are having lots of play time and fun too, take care everyone love from us all xx

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