Our topic this term is a whole school theme called ‘Power and Identity’ which will focus largely on the Humanities Area of Learning.
We will start by learning all about ourselves and our self-identity.
Important Information:
Healthy Snack will be provided for your child at a cost of £1 a week (20p a day). You can pay weekly (£1 on a Monday) or you can send larger amounts in and we will keep a record of this. Please send snack money in a labelled envelope. Unfortunately, school cannot subsidise snack so only pupils who pay for snack will have snack provided.
All pupils are asked to bring a water bottle into school every day. These are kept in class and pupils can help themselves to water throughout the school day. Bottles are returned at the end of the day to be washed at home. Please label bottles with your child’s name.
This is an additional bottle to their lunchtime drink so please bring two bottles into school if you have a packed lunch.
We are sure that you all have login details for Hwb, Mathletics and Oxford Reading Buddies due to Home Learning last year. If you require any extra support or login details then please let just ask.
Please bring Reading Bags into school every day. New books will be sanitized and quarantined before they are given out. Teachers will not be writing comments in Reading Journals at the moment. If Teachers need to feedback to you about reading then they will contact you on Class Dojo or phone you.
Once our Read Write Inc Groups are set up, your child will receive some sounds to practise at home or some green and red words containing the sounds they are studying. Please practise these to support your child’s progress in Read Write Inc.
PE will be on a Thursday, starting on Thursday 9th September. PE may be outside if possible or indoors if the weather is bad. Pupils must wear PE kit into School on PE days.
If your child is ill then please inform the School Office on the first day of absence.
If your child has covid-19 symptoms then please do not send them into school and follow Welsh Government advice and information.
Please only bring essential items into school as our cloakrooms are very small. Your coat, bags and lunch. Please could you label all items clearly to avoid confusion, especially jumpers and cardigans!
If you have any questions or queries then please private message us via Class Dojo or ring the School Office on 792478.
Thank you!