The School Nursing Service are offering drive-through, catch-up flu vaccinations for any child who missed their in-school vaccinations. These will continue this Saturday the 13th of November. These sessions will take place every weekend in November between 10am and 4pm at the former COVID testing facility at Longlands lane playing fields in Margam, SA13 2NR. No appointment needed. The service is for pupils from Reception to Year 11.
Children in Need – Friday 19th November
School council have decided that we will have a fancy dress day on Friday 19th November for Children in Need and we will bring £1 for dressing up in a costume if we can.
It has been chosen as it is also the official CIN theme.
Join in on Friday the 19th of November for a whole day of fun, learning and feel good fundraising!
Catch-up Nasal Flu Vaccinations – November 2021
The School Nursing Service are offering drive-through, catch-up flu vaccinations for any child who missed their in-school vaccinations. These will start this Saturday the 6th of November. These sessions will take place every weekend in November between 10am and 4pm at the former COVID testing facility at Longlands lane playing fields in Margam, SA13 2NR. No appointment needed. The service is for pupils from Reception to Year 11.
Mae’r gwasanaeth Nysrio Ysgol yn cynnig sesiynau galw heibio ar gyfer unrhyw blant a oedd yn absennol yn ystod y sesiynau brechu ffliw yn yr ysgol. Mi fydd y sesiynau yn dechrau dydd sadwrn y 6ed ac yn digwydd bob penwythnos yn mis Tachwedd rhwng 10yb a 4yh yn nghaeau chwarae Longlands Lane ym Margam, SA13 2NR (yr hen safle uned brofi COVID). Does dim angen apwyntiad. Mae’r sesiynau ar gyfer plant y derbyn I flwyddyn 11.
World Children’s Day – 22nd October 2021
Raffle tickets go on sale tomorrow for World Children’s Day! 20p per ticket or £1 a strip!
Here’s a reminder of our amazing prizes…
*A Swansea City Goody Bag
*4x Buzz jump passes
*A 20 minute Princess Visit from Happily Ever After
*A 20 minute Hero Visit from Hero Patrol
*A ‘Blue’ Sweet and Chocolate Bouquet
*Giant Teddies
*A Magic Kit
*And More!!!
Tickets available from the Puffin Class Monday to Wednesday!
All proceeds are going to UNICEF UK!
Please also wear blue on Friday for Dress Down Day to help us ‘Turn The World Blue’!
Fluenz Vaccinations – Thursday 7th October
Fluenz vaccinations are this Thursday. If you haven’t handed in your child’s consent form, please do so asap. This should be done even if you do not wish your child to have the vaccine.
If your child has asthma, please inform the school in writing: if your child has been wheezing or have needed to increase their bronchodilators in the three days before the vaccination. Also inform the school in writing if your child has been taking oral steroids in the last two weeks.
#HelloYellow Day 2021 – Friday 8th October
On Friday 8th October, Trallwn Primary School will be celebrating World Mental Health Day by having a #HelloYellow day! We’d love all staff and children to wear something yellow, or to accessorise with something yellow.

New Primary School Menu October 2021/2022
Primary School Menu October 2021 / 2022
The new school dinner menu starts today (Monday 27th September 2021) – menu attached.
Nasal Spray Flu Vaccine – Thursday 7th October 2021
On Thursday 7th October the school nurses will be in school vaccinating pupils from Reception to Year 6. If your child is being vaccinated, please read the important information attached. Please can parents/carers ensure that they return consent forms to the school indicating whether or not you would like your child to have the vaccine. This needs to be done asap. Many thanks, Trallwn Primary School
1.Nasal Flu covering letter to parents English and Welsh 2021 22 UPDATED
Nasal Flu information sheet for parents English and Welsh 2021 22
Inset Days 2021-2022
Confirmation of Inset Days for 2021-2022
The school will be shut for staff training on the following days:
Wednesday 2nd September 2021
Friday 3rd September 2021
Friday 3rd December 2021
Friday 28th January 2022
Friday 25th March 2022
Friday 1st July 2022
Swansea School Term and Holiday Dates 2021/2022 and Bank Holidays
School term and holiday dates 2020/21
Holiday dates and bank holidays
Term | Term begins | Term ends | Mid-term holiday | Term begins | Term ends | Total days | |
Begins | Ends | ||||||
Autumn 2021 | Thursday 2 September | Friday 22 October | Monday
25 October |
29 October |
1 November |
17 December |
72 |
Spring 2021 | Tuesday
4 January |
18 February |
21 February |
25 February |
28 February |
8 April |
64 |
Summer 2021 | Monday
25 April |
27 May |
30 May |
3 June |
6 June |
22 July |
59 |
Total: | 195 |
Bank holidays
Friday 15 April 2022 – Good Friday
Monday 18 April 2022 – Easter Monday
Monday 2 May 2022 – May Day Bank Holiday
Monday 30 May 2022 – Spring Bank Holiday
Please note that this calendar is subject to any changes that may arise as a result of Welsh Government issuing a Direction on term dates.
The City and County of Swansea does not accept any liability for any losses incurred in respect of altered holiday arrangements following changes to the timetable in any direction issued by the Welsh Government.