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G Suite – Google Classroom

G Suite for Education, can help educators overcome some of the perceived challenges when implementing distance learning by engaging learners in interactive lessons using Google Classroom.

Distance learning is an opportunity for teachers to design lessons that include flexible activities, enabling learners to work at their own pace.

Formative assessments help to ensure learners are continuing to progress while away from school. Teachers can check for understanding during group instruction by asking a poll question in the middle of a lesson and showing the results in the Classroom in real time. Teachers can also assign graded discussions in Google Classroom, and learners can demonstrate their knowledge through project-based learning assignments using Slides, Docs or Sites.

Social emotional learning can continue in a distance learning setting. Using Google Forms, staff can create mood check-ins for learners to share their emotional state on a daily basis. Learners can also privately blog to reflect on their distance learning experiences.