Croeso i Dosbarth Lleuad
Blwyddyn 6
Our Classroom Team: Miss. Byrne, Miss. Daley and Mr. Jones
Medi/September 2024- Gorffennaf/July 2025
Autumn Term Topic:
A big hello and welcome to Dosbarth Lleuad (moon class)! We hope you have had a lovely summer break and wish to welcome you all to Dosbarth Lleuad. We have been busy getting everything ready for the start of term.
This year, our class names are all about reaching for the sky! We will be starting this term by looking at Lleuad (the moon) and understanding how it effects our planet. Our main topic is the Swansea Blitz this term and we will be looking World War 2 and how the war impacted Swansea in particular.
Our curriculum and skills:
This term we will firstly look at Lleuad (the moon) and then we will move on to our Autumn topic of the Blitz in Swansea and the impact of WW2 on our area. We would love any family support on this, if you have any information/photos/artifacts from family members or relatives that were alive in the war we would love to share that as part of our learning! Alongside this, we will be developing our understanding of Remembrance Day; which will be the focus of our class assembly. This will see us focusing on the Humanities AOLE for this term.
In literacy, languages and communication, we will be looking at writing our own limericks this term, along discussion writing and fiction story writing. Our class novel is ‘Goodnight Mr. Tom’ and we will be using this book to support us with our 8 reading behaviours. We will also be learning our class and teacher names in Bristish Sign Language. We will continue to develop Welsh speaking and reading skills through the Mates Maesllan reading series.
Maths and Numeracy
In maths and numeracy this term, we will be focusing on place value along with addition, subtraction, division and multiplication this term. We will be revisiting our times tables starting with the three’s.
Homework will be given out every Friday in pupil’s folders. In preparation for year 7, pupils will receive literacy, spelling, maths and times table homework weekly. Alongside this, pupils will receive a ‘menu’ of homework to complete across the half term. The menu will consist of an activity or task from each of the AOLE areas. Pupils can choose to bring in a piece of homework each week from the menu or all 6 before the half term holiday.
Some homework may be set online via Mathletics or HWB, please contact me via Dojo if you need log in information for your child.
For those who do not have access to a laptop or computer to complete the Mathletics tasks, additional time at lunchtimes (Monday – Wednesday and Friday 12:00 – 12:30pm) can be provided to support this.
Spelling and times tables tests will be completed on Fridays.
Pupils will read with staff in either English or Welsh weekly, pupils are required to bring their reading book into school daily to facilitate this.
Useful links:
Hwb – www.hwb.gov.wales
Mathletics – www.mathletics.login
Topmarks – www.topmarks.co.uk
Important dates:
Tuesday 2nd September – Return to school
Friday 20th September – Deadline for senior pupil applications
Friday 27th September – Harvest Festival
performance @ St Samlets Church @ 2pm – Full uniform
Friday 11th October – Hello Yellow day
Tuesday 15th of October – Shwmae Day
Wednesday 23rd of October – Halloween Disco
Friday 25th October – Super learning day/ Last day
of term – House colour t-shirt
28th– 1st November – Half term
Week commencing 4th November – Parents evening
Tuesday 5th November – Class trip to Theatr Na’ Nog
Friday 8th November – Year 6 Class assembly @ 9:15
Friday 15th November – Children in need toy sale (lead by Dosbarth Planed)
Friday 22nd November – World Children’s Day (pupils to wear blue)
Friday 29th November – INSET day
Friday 6th December – Pantomime (whole school)
Monday 9th December – Christmas Fete
Friday 13th December – Pupil Christmas dinner day
Week commencing 16th December – Christmas jumpers
Thursday 19th December – Lower phase assembly @ Trallwn Primary school @ 9:15
Upper phase performance @ St Samlets Church @ 2pm – Christmas jumpers
Friday 20th December – Class parties / last day of term
Important information:
Pupils will read to a member of staff at least once a week in either English or Welsh, as most pupils are on larger novels books will be changed when they are completed. Please support your child by reading with them as much as possible.
Our class P.E lessons will be on Thursday afternoons with Mr. Jones, school P.E kits can be purchased from Bergoni and pupils are to come into school on Friday’s wearing their P.E kit.
A range of fresh fruit is available every day as snack during break time, snack is 20p per day.
If your child is ill then please inform the School Office on the first day of absence.
Please only bring essential items into school as our cloakrooms are very small. Your coat, bags and lunch. Please could you label all items clearly to avoid confusion, especially jumpers and cardigans!
Leavers jumpers are now available to order with Bergoni via the link below.
If you have any questions or queries then please private message us via Class Dojo or ring the School Office on 01792 792478.
Thank you!