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Dosbarth Cwmwl

Blwyddyn 1/2

Croeso i Dosbarth Cwmwl

We are Year 1 & 2 and our teachers are Miss Crowley, Mr Fisher.
Our teaching assistant will be Miss. Evans.

School starts at 8.50am and ends at 3.20pm.

Healthy Snack will be provided for your child at a cost of 20p a day.

All pupils will have their own cup in class, they can drink water at any point during lesson times. Water bottles can be brought in from home for pupils to drink from at break and lunch time. 

PE is on a Thursday. Please ensure your child/children arrive at school in their PE kit or other suitable clothing.  

Please bring book bags daily.

If you have any questions or queries, please private message us on Class Dojo or phone the School Office on 01792 792478. 

Useful websites to use when learning at home: (Here there are free Julia Donaldson activity packs) (great questions about images- look at the collections tab to choose a subject and scroll down for the questions)

Spring Term

Please read our termly skills letter.

Autumn Term

Our topic for this term is ‘The Enchanted Forest’.

Important dates this term:

Pantomime Trip – 6th December 

Harvest Festival – 27th September

Photo Day – 10th October 

Hello Yellow Day – 11th October 

Super Learning Day – 25th October