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Mathletics for home

Bring the love of learning home with the most engaging online mathematics program in the world.

Help your children achieve their best

Success is different for every child. For some, it’s getting to the top of the class; for others, it’s finding an answer on their own. Mathletics provides a safe, encouraging learning environment that provides the right level of challenge to help your learners grow, gain confidence, and achieve their best.

Continued learning at home

Mathletics brings classroom practice into the home. Aligned to your local curricula, Mathletics activities are relevant, reinforce lessons learned in school, and help your children gain mastery over maths topics or push ahead of what’s being taught.

Educational screen time

Time spent on devices can be productive with Mathletics. Designed to provide fun and engaging maths learning, Mathletics can be easily accessed on mobiles or tablets for instant, rewarding and positive screen time.

For Students of All Ages

Mathletics has been designed to captivate and grow with students, from Reception through to Year 6.