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Dosbarth Barn Owls (Junior STF)

Welcome to the Barn Owl class – we are the Junior STF class.


The staff in our class are Mrs Rees, Miss Rinaldi, Mrs Merrifield and Mrs Gubb.


Trallwnbury – we performed so well and had such great fun! These are some pictures!

Our new topic is Design Dragons. We will become designers and complete a plan to junk model our own homes. Take a look at what else we are going to learn about this term. We have called our new topic – A little place called home!

Design Dragons Summer Topic Planning

Outdoors – we enjoy outdoor learning every fortnight. We have planted trees, fed the birds, learnt how to look after plants and animals, toasted marshmallows by a camp fire, made shapes and the Fairtrade logo using materials we find in our school grounds. We love learning outdoors!


Dw i’n hoffi coginio!

We love learning to cook. It is an important life skill that we practice every two weeks. We have made many delicious treats and healthy meals.

Competition time! Prizes for anyone who guesses who all these wonderful red nose designs belong to!

Click on this link!    Can you spot my red nose

St David’s day is a very important day to us! To celebrate we sang songs, tasted traditional Welsh foods, danced and got creative working in the style of Gayle Rogers. We also developed our Math skills getting all the ingredients ready to bake our own Welsh cakes. Take a look at the fun time we had!!

Click on this link to hear two of us singing. It was a Champion Challenge task: Welsh singing


We celebrated Chinese New Year in class making crafts and watching video clips of their celebrations. We then learnt a Chinese New Year dance of our own for you to enjoy!


18th February – School Closure and remote learning.

These are the tasks I have shared with you all on dojo. You can complete them today or over the Half term, as there is a lovely variety of things to do. I look forward to seeing you on Teams at 10.30.

Birds of Prey Fair Aware Challenges Spring 2022

You will need the following to complete some of the tasks.

Birds of Prey Chocolate information powerpoint

Birds of prey The history of chocolate

Banana Leaf

Cocoa Leaf

Coffee Leaf

Have a lovely half term everyone!

Harvest time!   

Take a look at our video of us performing our Harvest poem using sign language.

Harvest Poem

Harvest performance Barn Owls